In varmint calibers, AccuTip-V combines superb flight characteristics and match-grade accuracy with a design optimized for explosive on-game results.
More than just an all-new cartridge, the compact design represents an entirely new class of ammunition engineered for absolute performance by every measure.
Buy at least two (2) boxes of qualifying* Remington® turkey shotshell ammunition to get a rebate of up to $100.00 back.
Featuring our new and improved rimfire technology, each round offers Premier high performance in your gun and on target.
The same great lubricant since 1913, the advanced formula cleans, lubricates and protects your valuable firearms so they'll keep running smoothly and looking like new.
Developed with shooters of every experience level in mind, these in-house designed bags were built for convenience, protection, and accessibility.
07.31.2023 | By Remington Contributor
Most of us started plinking in our youth, shooting soda cans off a fence post with our trusted .22 rifle, but these days? It’s taken a whole new form. With such a wide variety of targets (steel, for the win), firearm and accessory options as far as the eye can see, not to mention the latest technology in ammunition, it’s about time to dust off your favorite rimfire gun for a day at the range.
If you’re new to the world of plinking, here are a few great starter rifles and handguns to buy or rent at the range.
What’s a gun without ammunition? See our picks below for the best .22 rounds, no matter what your pursuit.
We’ve got the guns and we’ve got the ammunition. Check, annnnnd check. Now it’s time to take aim.
22 Golden Bullet
22 Target
22 Thunderbolt