In varmint calibers, AccuTip-V combines superb flight characteristics and match-grade accuracy with a design optimized for explosive on-game results.
More than just an all-new cartridge, the compact design represents an entirely new class of ammunition engineered for absolute performance by every measure.
Buy at least two (2) boxes of qualifying* Remington® turkey shotshell ammunition to get a rebate of up to $100.00 back.
Featuring our new and improved rimfire technology, each round offers Premier high performance in your gun and on target.
The same great lubricant since 1913, the advanced formula cleans, lubricates and protects your valuable firearms so they'll keep running smoothly and looking like new.
Developed with shooters of every experience level in mind, these in-house designed bags were built for convenience, protection, and accessibility.
12.20.2022 | By Remington Contributor
This is a super easy 3 ingredient recipe. These bars make a quick breakfast or a simple backpack snack on your next hunt, hike, or camp. Bonus: They’ll keep you full in the flooded timber or the blind.
1 pound of pork sausage; hot or mild –– pick your heat preference
16oz bag of shredded cheddar cheese
12oz box of cheese biscuit mix. The one that rhymes with “Head Mobster” (it has a red crustacean on the box)
Preheat oven or air fryer to 350 degrees
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Pro Tip: Save the wrist workout and use an electric mixer.
Place in a non-stick 9x13 pan –– or coat it with cooking spray
Bake for 30 minutes
Cut bars into squares and enjoy!