In varmint calibers, AccuTip-V combines superb flight characteristics and match-grade accuracy with a design optimized for explosive on-game results.
More than just an all-new cartridge, the compact design represents an entirely new class of ammunition engineered for absolute performance by every measure.
Buy at least two (2) boxes of qualifying* Remington® turkey shotshell ammunition to get a rebate of up to $100.00 back.
Featuring our new and improved rimfire technology, each round offers Premier high performance in your gun and on target.
The same great lubricant since 1913, the advanced formula cleans, lubricates and protects your valuable firearms so they'll keep running smoothly and looking like new.
Developed with shooters of every experience level in mind, these in-house designed bags were built for convenience, protection, and accessibility.
07.24.2024 | By Audrey Mayes
Getting into any kind of action shooting competition can be very intimidating, but I am here to tell you that it’s completely worth it. There are a few things that I learned along the way that will make this process much easier to digest.
First thing is first, you need to decide which competition you want to try. I strongly suggest the Zombies in the Heartland 3-Gun match in Grand Island, Nebraska. It was my first competition, and the Range Officers (RO’s) there are very friendly and welcoming to newcomers. The energy was positive throughout the entire competition, from sign-ins to prize table time, and everyone walked away with some goodies. If this isn’t the one for you, then you can always visit the NSSF website and find the right match for you.
There are different divisions in 3-gun matches, and some are specific to the match itself. At Zombies in the Heartland these were the divisions available: open, tactical, amateur, and Pistol Caliber Carbine (PCC). If you’re reading this to try your hand at 3-gun, odds are you belong in the amateur or PCC divisions, depending on your available firearms. For amateur division, you will need a handgun, rifle, and shotgun, but for PCC you will only need a PCC and a shotgun. Outside of guns, there are a few gear items that are also required. Here is a short list of them:
At any action shooting competition there will be multiple “stages” to shoot. Each stage will have its own back story, limitations, and course of action that you will need to complete in order to finish the stage. A couple of things to know about stages; you can get disqualified from a stage. There are rules put in place for people’s safety, i.e. 180-degree muzzle control, clearing your gun before holstering or putting it down, and knowing how to begin your stage (chambered round, magazine in but no round chambered, and completely unloaded). There will be a time limit on the stage, most of which is completely manageable even if you walk the entire time. Finally, stages differ in what guns you will and will not use. Some will be handguns, shotguns, or rifles, and others will be a mixture of these. They are all super fun and will come with their challenges.
There are rules and regulations for ammunition and firearms that you use for 3-gun matches, and they can vary depending on what you choose to compete in. For the most part on shotshell ammo, you should choose one that has a muzzle velocity of 1300 feet per second or higher to knock down those steel targets. Always make sure you are not using steel shot in your shotgun ammo for 3-Gun, it is not permitted anywhere.
Handgun ammunition would depend on which caliber you decide to run. I would argue that most competitors are going to go with a 9mm caliber handgun, or PCC. You can use frangible or full metal jacket bullet types. What I chose to run was the Remington Range 124 grain because it cycled through my pistol the best. Every handgun is different and it’s important to practice different grain weights and bullet types to find out what works best for your gun.
The above can all be said for your rifle ammunition as well, when you buy ammunition to shoot in 3-gun you are going to have to buy in bulk so knowing what can cycle through your rifle the cleanest is the best option. Most people choose to run an AR platform for their rifle portion and will go with a .223 Remington or 5.56. I chose to run Premier Match .223 ammunition because I liked the way my firearm handled it.
Again, each competition is going to have its own regulations on caliber choice, gun restrictions, and ammunition rules. So be sure to read through the regs before purchasing your ammo or signing up for that match.
This experience should be a fun and safe way to explore action shooting in a controlled environment. If you choose the right match to be your first, there will be plenty of people there to lend a helping hand as you take your first steps into the world of competition shooting. I found the community to be unlike any other; people were more than happy to lend me their firearms and give me stage advice, and the ROs would even walk you through the stage if you asked them to do so. Every pull of the trigger was an enjoyable experience. I walked away from Zombies in The Heartland with all the equipment I needed to shoot in a 3-gun match on my own and felt more comfortable handling a handgun than ever before. It was worth it and added another hobby to my list.
Want to learn more about Remington Killing Zombies? Check out the podcast episode.
Premier Match
Remington Range
Premier Nitro Sporting Clays