In varmint calibers, AccuTip-V combines superb flight characteristics and match-grade accuracy with a design optimized for explosive on-game results.
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The same great lubricant since 1913, the advanced formula cleans, lubricates and protects your valuable firearms so they'll keep running smoothly and looking like new.
Developed with shooters of every experience level in mind, these in-house designed bags were built for convenience, protection, and accessibility.
2.2.2022 | By Remington Contributor
Looking for land to hunt? Look no further. Remington Ambassador, Aly from Alabama shares her tips for finding acres and acres of public land to take advantage of on your next hunt.
If you live in a small town, the first stop is to reach out to friends, family, friends of friends, friends of family, etc. Your hunting buddies and associates will always have solid leads and tips for your next shoot. For best results, immerse yourself in your local hunting community.
Another great person to talk to? Your local game warden. More often than not, they will have some great information for you. Always check with the state’s Game & Fish Commission when looking for land.
Fortunately, we live in a world with phones and satellite maps, making public land fairly easy to find and available to anyone. Apps like onX Hunt, HuntStand, and HuntWise have features and tools like 3D mapping, best times and locations, markers, rut maps, and crop history to make finding prime hunting land a breeze.
Aly from Alabama and fellow hunter scout for land to hunt
If you live in the South where there is an abundance of agriculture, farmers are an excellent place to start as well. Farmers love hunters. They’re helping to control the population, decrease any predators in the area, and slim down the threats those predators bring to crops.And of course, don’t forget sites like and US Fish & Wildlife for national wildlife refuges.
To watch the video, click here: For more how to’s and tips for new hunters, visit