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12.12.2023 | By Remington Contributor
You’ve filled your fall deer tag. After all the blood, sweat and tears you put in to make it happen, it’s nice to have a way to enjoy your buck or doe that doesn’t involve backbreaking labor. For an easy and tasty way to cook venison, try sous vide.
Sous vide cooking slowly brings your backstrap up to the right temperature, without drying it out or running the risk of over-cooking your venison. We’ve all been there. Done right, deer is tasty and tender, your buck shouldn’t be as tough to chew as your boots. Sous vide is great way to honor your kill and make a meal the whole family will enjoy. You can Sous vide your meat the day before and finish on your grill/smoker when your guests are ready to eat.
This is the perfect recipe for those who think venison is tough and dry, making the juiciest backstrap you have ever sunk your teeth into. Once you experience how easy Sous vide deer cooking is you will want to use it every week. Now let's get cooking!
Experience level: Beginner
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 2 hours