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Big Green Launches The Remington Podcast

Lonoke, Arkansas - October 30, 2023 - Remington Ammunition is thrilled to introduce The Remington Podcast. Hosted by Remington’s Audrey Mayes, the show takes a deep dive into all things ammunition. From industry news and interviews from the factory floor, to compelling hunting and shooting sports stories, the podcast has Remington Country covered from coast to coast.

“We’re extremely excited to officially launch Big Green’s new podcast that provides an immersive experience for hunters and shooters,” said Remington’s Director of Marketing Joel Hodgdon. “Listeners and viewers will feel they’re part of the Remington story, expertise and heritage - all in half-hour episodes perfectly timed for a commute, or hike to the tree stand.”

From discussing the technology behind hot new products like Nitro-Steel Duplex to hosting top industry ambassadors and pro shooters, The Remington Podcast offers a comprehensive view of the industry. Listeners can expect live coverage and exclusive insights from events, as well as the inside story on the development of Remington's groundbreaking new cartridge, 360 Buckhammer.

“I’m thrilled to host The Remington Podcast, connecting with special guests and giving listeners an exclusive look into our historic factory,” said Mayes. “Listeners can expect to be captivated by an array of stories from the field as well as gain a deeper understanding of the craftsmanship that goes into creating Remington ammunition.”

The latest episode takes a deep dive on ducking hunting with Remington ambassador and waterfowl enthusiast, Outdoor Limits. Listeners can discover the secrets behind Remington's enduring success and the dedication that goes into producing this iconic ammunition.

With new episodes live every other week, viewers can subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or watch online.

Questions or topics you’d like to hear from Remington about? Contact

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Remington Ammunition