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Team Remington Shooter Mike Luongo Shot Back-to-Back 100 Straights in South Carolina Tournament

Lonoke, Arkansas - July 25, 2022 - Team Remington’s Mike Luongo delivered an impressive performance as he scored perfect, not once but twice, by breaking 100 of 100 clay targets back-to-back at the Bring the Bang tournament earlier this month at Moree’s Sportsman’s Preserve and Sporting Clays in Society Hill, South Carolina.

Luongo was able to post 100/100 in both the main event and the fun shoot. Luongo’s shooting partner, Wesley Elliot also posted 100/100 in the fun shoot event using Remington Ammunition.

Team Remington competes and wins with Premier STS shells. A winning combination of shot-to-shot consistency and target-crushing accuracy, Remington’s Premier STS® Target Loads set the benchmark for performance while being a favorite at the reloading bench. New for 2022, Remington has introduced Premier STS Low Recoil, offering competitive and casual shooters two new easy-on-the-shoulder 12ga loads.

Find Remington ammunition at dealers nationwide and online. For more information on Remington ammunition and accessories, visit

Remington Ammunition