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40-X Bore Cleaner, All Firearm Types, 4 oz, Squeeze Bottle

40-X Bore Cleaner, All Firearm Types, 4 oz, Squeeze Bottle

Part # 18397
4 oz
Squeeze Bottle
All Firearm Types
  • Available

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Product Overview

Remington 40-X Bore Cleaner is a non-eroding bore cleaner made with earth suspension in mineral oil. Improving your accuracy by removing carbon and other debris that can affect the mechanical action, it is environmentally safe and is non acidic. Natural abrasives scrub away all types of fouling but will not scratch even the finest bores, leaving your bore sparkling clean without time-consuming soaking.

  • Formulated for rifles to improve cleaning, accuracy, and performance
  • Contains high polishing compounds to make your bore mirror-clean
  • Fast and easy to use; no soaking or foul odors
  • 40-X name ties into the origins of the product, which is the cleaning application for iconic 40-x Remington rifle, known for its precision shooting abilities on a bench


Weapon Type All Firearm Types
Size 4 oz
Type Squeeze Bottle

